Thursday, 6 October 2011

Seo Tips and Tricks for Bloggers

seo Seo Tips and Tricks for BloggersWell if you ask me “Is it possible to do Seo on Blogspot Blogs” then my answer is “YES”.But their is a lot of difference between the wordpress seo and blogspot seo.Wordpress Onsite Seo is comparatively easy due to the vast range of plugins they have whereas blogspot user have to use some special tips and tricks in their HTML codes themselves which can be a little tricky for some people who have just started their blogs.
I will be covering this topic completely and in depth in a series of posts.The onsite Seo of blogger covers the following things
  • How to automatically create unique meta description of each post on blogger.
  • How to automatically create unique set of keywords for each blogger post
  • How to change the pattern of blog tittle shown in google results
  • How to automatically add extra unique content to your post.
  • How to understand which keywords you should target.
Well if you implement these concepts on your blogspot blog then you will certainly benefit from these in search engine rankings.These concepts are quite easy to implement on wordpress blogs.
Before starting this whole series of posts.I will give you some URL of websites made on blogger which have been implementing these things and if you see their traffic you will be amazed.Remember these are not my sites I am giving you just examples of how much you can benefit from implementing the above specified seo tactics
Carefully examine the meta descriptions and other things of these websites.These blogs are using some special tips and tricks for their website and I will explain it to you what are they doing.We will be explaining each seo trick in our nest post.


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